[译]Distributed systems for fun and profit_0引言&1基本概念

零.Introduction 引言

I wanted a text that would bring together the ideas behind many of the more recent distributed systems - systems such as Amazon’s Dynamo, Google’s BigTable and MapReduce, Apache’s Hadoop and so on.

我想写一篇能够说明目前一些分布式系统,例如亚马逊的Dynamo,谷歌的Big Table和Map Reduce,Apache的Hadoop背后的一些原理的文章

In this text I’ve tried to provide a more accessible introduction to distributed systems. To me, that means two things: introducing the key concepts that you will need in order to have a good time reading more serious texts, and providing a narrative that covers things in enough detail that you get a gist of what’s going on without getting stuck on details. It’s 2013, you’ve got the Internet, and you can selectively read more about the topics you find most interesting.


In my view, much of distributed programming is about dealing with the implications of two consequences of distribution:

  • that information travels at the speed of light
  • that independent things fail independently*


  • 信息光速传播
  • 独立事务独立失败

In other words, that the core of distributed programming is dealing with distance (duh!) and having more than one thing (duh!). These constraints define a space of possible system designs, and my hope is that after reading this you’ll have a better sense of how distance, time and consistency models interact.


This text is focused on distributed programming and systems concepts you’ll need to understand commercial systems in the data center. It would be madness to attempt to cover everything. You’ll learn many key protocols and algorithms (covering, for example, many of the most cited papers in the discipline), including some new exciting ways to look at eventual consistency that haven’t still made it into college textbooks - such as CRDTs and the CALM theorem.


I hope you like it! If you want to say thanks, follow me on Github (or Twitter). And if you spot an error, file a pull request on Github.

1. Basics 基本概念

The first chapter covers distributed systems at a high level by introducing a number of important terms and concepts. It covers high level goals, such as scalability, availability, performance, latency and fault tolerance; how those are hard to achieve, and how abstractions and models as well as partitioning and replication come into play.


2. Up and down the level of abstraction


The second chapter dives deeper into abstractions and impossibility results. It starts with a Nietzsche quote, and then introduces system models and the many assumptions that are made in a typical system model. It then discusses the CAP theorem and summarizes the FLP impossibility result. It then turns to the implications of the CAP theorem, one of which is that one ought to explore other consistency models. A number of consistency models are then discussed.


3. Time and order 时间和顺序

A big part of understanding distributed systems is about understanding time and order. To the extent that we fail to understand and model time, our systems will fail. The third chapter discusses time and order, and clocks as well as the various uses of time, order and clocks (such as vector clocks and failure detectors).


4. Replication: preventing divergence 复制:强一致性

The fourth chapter introduces the replication problem, and the two basic ways in which it can be performed. It turns out that most of the relevant characteristics can be discussed with just this simple characterization. Then, replication methods for maintaining single-copy consistency are discussed from the least fault tolerant (2PC) to Paxos.


5. Replication: accepting divergence 复制:弱一致性

The fifth chapter discussed replication with weak consistency guarantees. It introduces a basic reconciliation scenario, where partitioned replicas attempt to reach agreement. It then discusses Amazon’s Dynamo as an example of a system design with weak consistency guarantees. Finally, two perspectives on disorderly programming are discussed: CRDTs and the CALM theorem.


6. Appendix

The appendix covers recommendations for further reading.

*: This is a lie. This post by Jay Kreps elaborates.

一.Distributed systems at a high level 分布式系统概览

Distributed programming is the art of solving the same problem that you can solve on a single computer using multiple computers.

There are two basic tasks that any computer system needs to accomplish:

  • storage and
  • computation


  • 存储能力
  • 计算能力

Distributed programming is the art of solving the same problem that you can solve on a single computer using multiple computers - usually, because the problem no longer fits on a single computer.


Nothing really demands that you use distributed systems. Given infinite money and infinite R&D time, we wouldn’t need distributed systems. All computation and storage could be done on a magic box - a single, incredibly fast and incredibly reliable system that you pay someone else to design for you.


However, few people have infinite resources. Hence, they have to find the right place on some real-world cost-benefit curve. At a small scale, upgrading hardware is a viable strategy. However, as problem sizes increase you will reach a point where either the hardware upgrade that allows you to solve the problem on a single node does not exist, or becomes cost-prohibitive. At that point, I welcome you to the world of distributed systems.


It is a current reality that the best value is in mid-range, commodity hardware - as long as the maintenance costs can be kept down through fault-tolerant software.


Computations primarily benefit from high-end hardware to the extent to which they can replace slow network accesses with internal memory accesses. The performance advantage of high-end hardware is limited in tasks that require large amounts of communication between nodes.


As the figure above from Barroso, Clidaras & Hölzle shows, the performance gap between high-end and commodity hardware decreases with cluster size assuming a uniform memory access pattern across all nodes.

图:不同粒度的集群下,高端硬件(128-core SMP)和低端硬件(4-core SMP)构建同样的处理核的性能对比


Ideally, adding a new machine would increase the performance and capacity of the system linearly. But of course this is not possible, because there is some overhead that arises due to having separate computers. Data needs to be copied around, computation tasks have to be coordinated and so on. This is why it’s worthwhile to study distributed algorithms - they provide efficient solutions to specific problems, as well as guidance about what is possible, what the minimum cost of a correct implementation is, and what is impossible.


The focus of this text is on distributed programming and systems in a mundane, but commercially relevant setting: the data center. For example, I will not discuss specialized problems that arise from having an exotic network configuration, or that arise in a shared-memory setting. Additionally, the focus is on exploring the system design space rather than on optimizing any specific design - the latter is a topic for a much more specialized text.


What we want to achieve: Scalability and other good things

The way I see it, everything starts with the need to deal with size.


Most things are trivial at a small scale - and the same problem becomes much harder once you surpass a certain size, volume or other physically constrained thing. It’s easy to lift a piece of chocolate, it’s hard to lift a mountain. It’s easy to count how many people are in a room, and hard to count how many people are in a country.


So everything starts with size - scalability. Informally speaking, in a scalable system as we move from small to large, things should not get incrementally worse. Here’s another definition:

Scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process, to handle a growing amount of work in a capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth.

What is it that is growing? Well, you can measure growth in almost any terms (number of people, electricity usage etc.). But there are three particularly interesting things to look at:

  • Size scalability: adding more nodes should make the system linearly faster; growing the dataset should not increase latency
  • Geographic scalability: it should be possible to use multiple data centers to reduce the time it takes to respond to user queries, while dealing with cross-data center latency in some sensible manner.
  • Administrative scalability: adding more nodes should not increase the administrative costs of the system (e.g. the administrators-to-machines ratio).


  • 尺寸可扩展:增加节点使系统线性增长,数据增大不会加大延迟
  • 地理可扩展:多数据中心能够被用来减少反馈用户查询命任务的响应时间,同时能够处理因多中心带来的延迟
  • 管理可扩展:增加节点的同时,不应该增加系统在管理节点上的开销

Of course, in a real system growth occurs on multiple different axes simultaneously; each metric captures just some aspect of growth.


A scalable system is one that continues to meet the needs of its users as scale increases. There are two particularly relevant aspects - performance and availability - which can be measured in various ways.


Performance (and latency) 性能(和延迟)

Performance is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used.

Depending on the context, this may involve achieving one or more of the following:

  • Short response time/low latency for a given piece of work
  • High throughput (rate of processing work)
  • Low utilization of computing resource(s)


  • 低响应时间
  • 高吞吐量(生产力,即工作进程速率)
  • 低计算资源利用率

There are tradeoffs involved in optimizing for any of these outcomes. For example, a system may achieve a higher throughput by processing larger batches of work thereby reducing operation overhead. The tradeoff would be longer response times for individual pieces of work due to batching.


I find that low latency - achieving a short response time - is the most interesting aspect of performance, because it has a strong connection with physical (rather than financial) limitations. It is harder to address latency using financial resources than the other aspects of performance.


There are a lot of really specific definitions for latency, but I really like the idea that the etymology of the word evokes:

The state of being latent; delay, a period between the initiation of something and the occurrence.

And what does it mean to be “latent”?

From Latin latens, latentis, present participle of lateo (“lie hidden”). Existing or present but concealed or inactive.

This definition is pretty cool, because it highlights how latency is really the time between when something happened and the time it has an impact or becomes visible.

For example, imagine that you are infected with an airborne virus that turns people into zombies. The latent period is the time between when you became infected, and when you turn into a zombie. That’s latency: the time during which something that has already happened is concealed from view.


Let’s assume for a moment that our distributed system does just one high-level task: given a query, it takes all of the data in the system and calculates a single result. In other words, think of a distributed system as a data store with the ability to run a single deterministic computation (function) over its current content:

result = query(all data in the system)


Then, what matters for latency is not the amount of old data, but rather the speed at which new data “takes effect” in the system. For example, latency could be measured in terms of how long it takes for a write to become visible to readers.


The other key point based on this definition is that if nothing happens, there is no “latent period”. A system in which data doesn’t change doesn’t (or shouldn’t) have a latency problem.

In a distributed system, there is a minimum latency that cannot be overcome: the speed of light limits how fast information can travel, and hardware components have a minimum latency cost incurred per operation (think RAM and hard drives but also CPUs).


How much that minimum latency impacts your queries depends on the nature of those queries and the physical distance the information needs to travel.

Availability (and fault tolerance) 可用性(和容错性)

The second aspect of a scalable system is availability.

Availability the proportion of time a system is in a functioning condition. If a user cannot access the system, it is said to be unavailable.

Availability = uptime /(uptime + downtime)

Distributed systems allow us to achieve desirable characteristics that would be hard to accomplish on a single system. For example, a single machine cannot tolerate any failures since it either fails or doesn’t.


Distributed systems can take a bunch of unreliable components, and build a reliable system on top of them.

Systems that have no redundancy can only be as available as their underlying components. Systems built with redundancy can be tolerant of partial failures and thus be more available. It is worth noting that “redundant” can mean different things depending on what you look at - components, servers, datacenters and so on.

Formulaically, availability is: Availability = uptime / (uptime + downtime).

Availability from a technical perspective is mostly about being fault tolerant. Because the probability of a failure occurring increases with the number of components, the system should be able to compensate so as to not become less reliable as the number of components increases.


For example:

Availability % How much downtime is allowed per year?
90% (“one nine”) More than a month
99% (“two nines”) Less than 4 days
99.9% (“three nines”) Less than 9 hours
99.99% (“four nines”) Less than an hour
99.999% (“five nines”) ~ 5 minutes
99.9999% (“six nines”) ~ 31 seconds

Availability is in some sense a much wider concept than uptime, since the availability of a service can also be affected by, say, a network outage or the company owning the service going out of business (which would be a factor which is not really relevant to fault tolerance but would still influence the availability of the system). But without knowing every single specific aspect of the system, the best we can do is design for fault tolerance.


What does it mean to be fault tolerant?

Fault tolerance
ability of a system to behave in a well-defined manner once faults occur
Fault tolerance boils down to this: define what faults you expect and then design a system or an algorithm that is tolerant of them. You can’t tolerate faults you haven’t considered.


What prevents us from achieving good things?

Distributed systems are constrained by two physical factors:

  • the number of nodes (which increases with the required storage and computation capacity)
  • the distance between nodes (information travels, at best, at the speed of light)


  • 节点数量(当需要更大的存储、计算能力时,节点数会增多)
  • 节点间的距离(信息传播)

Working within those constraints:

  • an increase in the number of independent nodes increases the probability of failure in a system (reducing availability and increasing administrative costs)
  • an increase in the number of independent nodes may increase the need for communication between nodes (reducing performance as scale increases)
  • an increase in geographic distance increases the minimum latency for communication between distant nodes (reducing performance for certain operations)


  • 节点增加,系统发生失败的可能性增加(降低可用性,增加管理的花费)
  • 节点增加,独立节点之间的通信增多(随着尺度增大降低性能)
  • 地理距离增加,最小延迟时长增加(降低特定的操作的性能)

Beyond these tendencies - which are a result of the physical constraints - is the world of system design options.

Both performance and availability are defined by the external guarantees the system makes. On a high level, you can think of the guarantees as the SLA (service level agreement) for the system: if I write data, how quickly can I access it elsewhere? After the data is written, what guarantees do I have of durability? If I ask the system to run a computation, how quickly will it return results? When components fail, or are taken out of operation, what impact will this have on the system?


There is another criterion, which is not explicitly mentioned but implied: intelligibility. How understandable are the guarantees that are made? Of course, there are no simple metrics for what is intelligible.


I was kind of tempted to put “intelligibility” under physical limitations. After all, it is a hardware limitation in people that we have a hard time understanding anything that involves more moving things than we have fingers. That’s the difference between an error and an anomaly - an error is incorrect behavior, while an anomaly is unexpected behavior. If you were smarter, you’d expect the anomalies to occur.

Abstractions and models 分布式系统中的抽象和模型

This is where abstractions and models come into play. Abstractions make things more manageable by removing real-world aspects that are not relevant to solving a problem. Models describe the key properties of a distributed system in a precise manner. I’ll discuss many kinds of models in the next chapter, such as:

  • System model (asynchronous / synchronous)
  • Failure model (crash-fail, partitions, Byzantine)
  • Consistency model (strong, eventual)




  • 系统模型(异步/同步)
  • 故障模型(crash-fail,分区,Byzantine)
  • 一致性模型(强一致性、最终一致性)

A good abstraction makes working with a system easier to understand, while capturing the factors that are relevant for a particular purpose.


There is a tension between the reality that there are many nodes and with our desire for systems that “work like a single system”. Often, the most familiar model (for example, implementing a shared memory abstraction on a distributed system) is too expensive.


A system that makes weaker guarantees has more freedom of action, and hence potentially greater performance - but it is also potentially hard to reason about. People are better at reasoning about systems that work like a single system, rather than a collection of nodes.


One can often gain performance by exposing more details about the internals of the system. For example, in columnar storage, the user can (to some extent) reason about the locality of the key-value pairs within the system and hence make decisions that influence the performance of typical queries. Systems which hide these kinds of details are easier to understand (since they act more like single unit, with fewer details to think about), while systems that expose more real-world details may be more performant (because they correspond more closely to reality).


Several types of failures make writing distributed systems that act like a single system difficult. Network latency and network partitions (e.g. total network failure between some nodes) mean that a system needs to sometimes make hard choices about whether it is better to stay available but lose some crucial guarantees that cannot be enforced, or to play it safe and refuse clients when these types of failures occur.


The CAP theorem - which I will discuss in the next chapter - captures some of these tensions. In the end, the ideal system meets both programmer needs (clean semantics) and business needs (availability/consistency/latency).



Design techniques: partition and replicate

The manner in which a data set is distributed between multiple nodes is very important. In order for any computation to happen, we need to locate the data and then act on it.


There are two basic techniques that can be applied to a data set. It can be split over multiple nodes (partitioning) to allow for more parallel processing. It can also be copied or cached on different nodes to reduce the distance between the client and the server and for greater fault tolerance (replication).


  • 分区:为了进行并行处理,数据将被分割到多个节点中
  • 复制:为了减少客户端和服务器之间的距离,同时为了提高容错性,数据会被备份或缓存到不同的节点中

Divide and conquer - I mean, partition and replicate.


The picture below illustrates the difference between these two: partitioned data (A and B below) is divided into independent sets, while replicated data (C below) is copied to multiple locations.


This is the one-two punch for solving any problem where distributed computing plays a role. Of course, the trick is in picking the right technique for your concrete implementation; there are many algorithms that implement replication and partitioning, each with different limitations and advantages which need to be assessed against your design objectives.


Partitioning 分区

Partitioning is dividing the dataset into smaller distinct independent sets; this is used to reduce the impact of dataset growth since each partition is a subset of the data.

  • Partitioning improves performance by limiting the amount of data to be examined and by locating related data in the same partition
  • Partitioning improves availability by allowing partitions to fail independently, increasing the number of nodes that need to fail before availability is sacrificed


  • 提高性能:限制分区中数据量的大小,降低数据压力
  • 提高可用性:数据之间相互独立,不同分区之间失败互不影响,允许失败节点的存在

Partitioning is also very much application-specific, so it is hard to say much about it without knowing the specifics. That’s why the focus is on replication in most texts, including this one.

Partitioning is mostly about defining your partitions based on what you think the primary access pattern will be, and dealing with the limitations that come from having independent partitions (e.g. inefficient access across partitions, different rate of growth etc.).


  • 基于将要进行的主要访问模式如何定义分区
  • 怎样处理独立分区带来的局限性(跨分区低效率访问)

Replication 复制

Replication is making copies of the same data on multiple machines; this allows more servers to take part in the computation.


Let me inaccurately quote Homer J. Simpson:

To replication! The cause of, and solution to all of life’s problems.

Replication - copying or reproducing something - is the primary way in which we can fight latency.

  • Replication improves performance by making additional computing power and bandwidth applicable to a new copy of the data
  • Replication improves availability by creating additional copies of the data, increasing the number of nodes that need to fail before availability is sacrificed


  • 提高性能:复制使额外的计算能力和带宽适用于数据的新副本,从而提高了性能
  • 提高可用性:备份数据,允许更多的节点出错,提高容错性

Replication is about providing extra bandwidth, and caching where it counts. It is also about maintaining consistency in some way according to some consistency model.

Replication allows us to achieve scalability, performance and fault tolerance. Afraid of loss of availability or reduced performance? Replicate the data to avoid a bottleneck or single point of failure. Slow computation? Replicate the computation on multiple systems. Slow I/O? Replicate the data to a local cache to reduce latency or onto multiple machines to increase throughput.

Replication is also the source of many of the problems, since there are now independent copies of the data that has to be kept in sync on multiple machines - this means ensuring that the replication follows a consistency model.


  • 避免单节点故障和瓶颈
  • 多系统上复制计算能够加快计算速度
  • 复制数据到本地缓存中能够减少在多个机器上进行运算的延迟时长,同时提高吞吐量

The choice of a consistency model is crucial: a good consistency model provides clean semantics for programmers (in other words, the properties it guarantees are easy to reason about) and meets business/design goals such as high availability or strong consistency.

Only one consistency model for replication - strong consistency - allows you to program as-if the underlying data was not replicated. Other consistency models expose some internals of the replication to the programmer. However, weaker consistency models can provide lower latency and higher availability - and are not necessarily harder to understand, just different.

复制来到好处的同时,也带来了很多问题,最大的就是数据一致性问题,只有当模型是 strong consistency 的时候,我们才会得到一个简单的编程模型(和单机系统一致),其他模型我们都好去理解系统内部是怎么做的,这样子才能很好的满足我们的需求。

Further reading